Directory of my texts

Welcome to the directory of my writing. I enjoy writing about a variety of genres and forms, including both fiction and non-fiction. Below is a categorised list of my works:


  • Fantasy: Explore my collection of mythical stories and magical worlds.
  • Science Fiction: Dive into futuristic societies and cosmic adventures.
  • Mystery**: Solve puzzles and immerse yourself in stories of intrigue and suspense.


  • Essays: Read my thoughts on a variety of topics ranging from culture to technology.
  • Biographies: Learn more about important figures in history through my detailed accounts.
  • Research: Discover my explorations and findings on various topics.


  • Sonets: Enjoy the rhythm and rhyme of my carefully structured sonnets.
  • Free Verse: Experience the flow of thought in free verse.

How to read

To read a text, click on its title. Each link will take you to a separate page dedicated to that text, with a short description and the full text.


New texts are added regularly. So check back regularly!